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CHENG NanoBionics Group



  1. Wenlong Cheng*. On-demand bioenergy from a fingertip, Trends in Chemistry, 2021, 3, 800-802

  2. Fenge Lin, Kaixuan Wang, Tiance An, Bowen Zhu, Yunzhi Ling, Shu Gong, Siyuan Liu and Wenlong Cheng*. Soft gold nanowire sponges for strain-incensitive conductors, wearable energy storage and catalytic converters, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 15329-15336

  3. Qingfeng Zhai, Ren Wang, Quanxia Lyu, Yiyi Liu, Lim Wei Yap, Shu Gong and Wenlong Cheng*. Mechanically-gated electrochemical ionic channels with chemically modified vertically aligned gold nanowires, iScience, 2021, 24, 103307

  4. Qianqian Shi, Runfang Fu, Debabrata Sikdar, Tharaka Perera, Anthony S. R. Chesman, Zijun Yong, Yan Lu, Yiyi Liu, Zhirui Guo, Shu Gong, Malin Premaratne, and Wenlong Cheng*. Two-Dimensional Nanoassemblies from Plasmonic Matryoshka Nanoframes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 50, 27753-27762

  5. Runfang Fu, Siyuan Liu, Qianqian Shi, Yan Lu, Zijun Yong and Wenlong Cheng*. Active Strain Engineering of Soft Plasmene Nanosheets by Thermoresponsive Hydrogels, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, Accepted

  6. Zijun Yong, Lim Wei Yap, Runfang Fu, Qianqian Shi, Zhirui Guo and Wenlong Cheng*. Seagrass-inspired design of soft photocatalytic sheets based on hydrogel-integrated free-standing 2D nanoassemblies of multifunctional nanohexagons, Materials Horizons, 2021, Accepted

  7. Wenlong Cheng*. On–demand bioenergy from a fingertip, Trends in Chemistry, 2021

  8. Zijian Zheng*, Jesse Jur and Wenlong Cheng. Smart materials and devices for electronic textiles, MRS Bulletin, 2021, 46, 488–490

  9. Quanxia Lyu, Shu Gong, Jialiang Yin, Jennifer M Dyson and Wenlong Cheng*. Soft Wearable Healthcare Materials and Devices, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021, 2100577

  10. Nguyen Xuan Anh, Shu Gong, Wenlong Cheng and Sunita Chauhan. A stretchable gold nanowire sensor and its characterization using machine learning for motion tracking, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21, 15269–15276

  11. Kaixuan Wang, Lim Wei Yap, Shu Gong, Ren Wang, Stephen Jia Wang and Wenlong Cheng*. Nanowire-Based Soft Wearable Human-Machine Interfaces for Future Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2008347

  12. Zijun Yong, Qianqian Shi, Runfang Fu and Wenlong Cheng*. Fine-Tuning Au@ Pd Nanocrystals for Maximum Plasmon-Enhanced Catalysis, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8, 2001686

  13. Ren Wang, Qingfeng Zhai, Tiance An, Shu Gong and Wenlong Cheng*. Stretchable gold fiber-based wearable textile electrochemical biosensor for lactate monitoring in sweat, Talanta, 2021, 222, 121484

  14. Kaixuan Wang, Fenge Lin, Daniel TH Lai, Shu Gong, Behailu Kibret, Muhammad Arslan Ali, Mehmet Rasit Yuce, Wenlong Cheng*. Soft gold nanowire sponge antenna for battery-free wireless pressure sensors, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 3957–3966

  15. Mingyuan Gao, Ping Wang, Lili Jiang, Bowen Wang, Ye Yao, Sheng Liu, Dewei Chu, Wenlong Cheng and Yuerui Lu. Power generation for wearable systems, Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, 14, 2114-2157

  16. Runfang Fu, Qianqian Shi, Zijun Yong, James C Griffith, Lim Wei Yap and Wenlong Cheng*. Self-assembled Janus plasmene nanosheets as flexible 2D photocatalysts, Materials Horizons, 2021, 8, 259-266

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